3 level concept



The Musicoterapia con l'Arpa® training program

The training is divided into three levels and offers a structured, theoretical and practice-oriented learning process.

Each level deepens the knowledge and skills needed to apply the method safely and effectively.

It comprises a total of 60 hours, spread over 3 weekends or as a compact course in 6 days.


The training program

360° training around the harmonic sound bed with 112 strings

  1. Finding causes of diseases with the 432 Hz harmonic sound bed
  2. Learning the anatomy of vibration
  3. The theory of Einstein, Pythagoras, Hippocrates
  4. The quantum law of being
  5. Alpha, beta, delta, theta, gamma waves
  6. Breathing and harmonic sound bed
  7. Ayurveda and harmonic sound bed
  8. Nada Yoga and harmonic sound bed
  9. Light frequency and harmonic sound bed
  10. Diagnostic features
  11. Experiencing and learning in theory and practice
  12. Learn the basics from Ayuveda about vibrations and their spectrum of effects.
  • We learn about the TAO of Chinese medicine (TCM), the changes of the five elements, the various transformations of life.
  • Get to know and use the life force “CHI”.
  • How to use the frequencies of tuning forks + singing bowls.
  • The laws of vibration from 432-440 Hz, chakras, Cymatis, DNA, Emoto, Fibonacci, Grabovol, Hawkins, Lakhovsky, Morgan, organs, planets, Phi, Reich, Rife, Schauberger, Schuhmann, Skalar, Solfeggio, Tesla and tone colors.
  • Therapy of the center with tuning forks according to the teachings of TCM.
  • Combination of the various vibration therapies.

All of this helps us to resolve physical and emotional complaints

Musicoterapia con l’arpa mit 112 Saiten

Connecting all spiritual energies

The Musicoterapia con l’arpa® method uses the alpha and theta waves.

In the 3rd level we learn the different spiritual paths from the areas of:

Hinduism, Buddhism, Maya, Native Americans, the Koran from Islam, the teachings of Jesus, Hawai, the Ho’oponopono, the Hermetic laws and the Kabbalah..

All these positive spiritual frequencies are also reflected in the mind.

Together with the 432 Hz sound bed and the tuning forks, we use this power to stimulate the harmony of healing in people

Open to all professionals from the fields of:

Medicine: clinics, rehab, hospices and surgeries. Psychologists + psychiatrists.

Music: Music therapists, musicians and teachers

Healing professions: natural practitioners, homeopaths and therapists.

Parascience: Ergo + physiotherapists, kinestetics, kinesiologists, wellness, masseurs and osteopaths.

Harmonic sound bed

Professional training on the harmonic harmonic sound bed

The harmonic sound bed tuned to 432 Hz uses high-frequency vibrations

Ideal for children + adults.

Suitable for people with acute and chronic illnesses.

Suitable for wellness and as an anti-stress program

Supplement in every practice and clinic

As part of the training, you will learn how vibrations can transform numerous pains and symptoms.

One speaks of transformation processes:

Transforming from untuned to tuned energy so that we are fully restored to the inner harmony of our being.

In just 60 hours of training, you will become a master yourself in the art of accompanying healing with the Musicoterapia con l’Arpa ® method..

Added value:

Advantages of the training


Each level contains extensive practical exercises and case studies.


A written and practical examination must be passed at the end of the training.


You will receive a certificate as proof of your participation in the training with the Musicoterapia con l'arpa brand and method

Clinically based

The method has been clinically researched and is used worldwide.

Versatile application

As a relaxation and anti-stress program, as well as finding the causes in the here and now and as support for acute and chronic illnesses

Become part of the community

Access to our community to exchange ideas with like-minded people.


Request dates and information now

The training locations and dates vary.

We work worldwide in 4 languages.

Request information for the next training courses here free of charge.

I look forward to seeing you!