The approach

The method

Frequency therapy

“Musicoterapia con l'Arpa®”

“Musicoterapia con l’Arpa®” is a revolutionary method for quickly and reliably finding the causes of illnesses or interference fields without side effects.

In practice

How does the method work?

The Music – Frequency – Therapy method is based on the 112-string harmonic sound bed, tuned to 432 Hz.

This specific frequency of 432 Hz is known as the “golden vibration” because it acts like a mirror. It has the ability to vibrate everyone and helps to find harmony between the inner seasons of our bodies and the outer seasons of nature itself. The 432 Hz frequency sensitively picks up the natural rhythms of our body and the earth and reflects them back to us. What we make out of this is up to us. It is certainly useful for finding the causes of an illness.

Musicotherapia con l’Arpa® also uses up to 150 tuning fork frequencies (phonophoresis).

Everything is supplemented with Pranayama (breathing) + Nada Yoga (sound-voice).

The clinical study at Campostaggia Hospital in Poggibonsi (Tuscany, Italy) investigated the effect of the sound bed. 30 patients who received the Musicoterapia con l’arpa® method were compared with a control group of 30 patients without treatment.

The study was called ARPAS.

Armonia (Harmonie)

Rilassamento (relaxation)

Piacevolezza (pleasantness)

Alleggerimento die Sintomi (Symptomlinderung)

Connection of sound & color

Harmony for body and mind thanks to science

Each color corresponds to a tone on the 12-tone scale, e.g. green (C) or red (F#). This assignment supports the harmonization of body and mind in sound therapy. Frequencies affect energetic centers such as the chakras, promoting deep relaxation and inner balance through sound and vibration. Ideal for transformative sound journeys!


Master the art of the harmonic sound bed

Frequenzen mit Wissen einsetzen:
432 Hz steht für Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie, während 440 Hz oft mit Kontrolle und Macht assoziiert wird.

Historical background:
Composers such as Mozart and Vivaldi tuned their instruments to 432 Hz to create a special resonance with the listener via the ear. However, they also created a “physical feeling” with this vibrational music.

Resonance principle::
The “432 Hz” vibrations of the sound bed penetrate the body and thus help to quickly find the cause of the disturbed zones.

With the addition of tuning forks (phonophoresis), these out-of-tune body &mind energies and emotions, mind and emotions can then be re-tuned.

With the Musicoterapia con l’arpa® method, Monika Paul has developed a new professional treatment method based on years of professional experience.

Stimmgabel -Lehrfoto

Video on frequencies with expert Monika Paul

Bericht über die klinische Forschungsarbeit mit der Methode Musicoterapia con l’arpa® auf der harmonisch gestimmten Klangliege.


The method works on a physical, emotional and mental level.


Gentle therapy without invasive procedures. It is also suitable for sensitive people.


For different target groups and applications. Always individually tailored.


Advantages of the method

Compared to other approaches, Musicoterapia con l’Arpa® is clinically tested and has been proven in thousands of sessions.

Versatile application

Musicoterapia con l’Arpa® Method

Ancient knowledge

We use the power that has existed for years and which our ancestors have already used.

The power of vibration.

Oscillations and vibrations have been proven to have an effect on the body. We focus on one frequency.