The harmonic sound bed – examination method without side effects

The harmonic sound bed in 432 Hz detects the interference fields in the human organism in the here and now, i.e. all of the patient's spiritual, emotional and mental upsets. In addition, it can be used over time to determine whether the body cells have recovered, as the vibrations in the body then flow freely again and can be easily felt.

Do you know of any examination methods that can achieve this without side effects?

When I discovered this around 2010, I was not at all pleased. I was looking for a new relaxation method, but not something like this. When the individual disturbances became visible again and again within a very short time during my examinations, I got scared and sold my sound bed at the time. I wanted nothing more to do with it and wanted to take a completely new path in life. How could that be? What was that? It was certainly super esoteric. It can’t be that everything is so simple.

On my tour of Italy, a health center called me and raved: “You were so good. We are doing so much better. We have rebuilt and would like to invite you. We'd love you to come and work with us.” Boh, that hit home. I bought a new sound bed. Another 4000 treatments followed until I told myself I needed more. It works. You have to be able to prove it. So I looked for a clinic where I could carry out research. My first thought was: America. So I traveled to Florida and asked them. But they turned me down because my medical qualifications were not recognized there. At the Charité in Berlin, they charged me a price that I was unwilling and unable to pay. In Mallorca, I introduced myself to various private clinics, but I didn't find anything there either. Until finally a head oncologist in Tuscany was enthusiastic about my method. After a good year of preparation, everything started. You can find some of the research results in my book “Treating illnesses with vibrations”, which has now been translated into four languages. It gives you a 360° view of which frequencies are useful where. If I have aroused your curiosity, let's talk. Perhaps my training in Musicoterapia con l'Arpa is just what you need to make your work more efficient.

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