Expert in music medicine

About me

The founder

Monika Paul

Monika Paul, founder of “Musicoterapia con l’Arpa®”, has decades of experience in MUSIC FREQUENCY MEDICINE and homeopathy. With over 6,000 treatments and intensive research, she has developed a unique method that harmonizes body, mind and soul. Her goal is to spread this method worldwide by training new therapists. Let yourself be inspired by her encouraging story

Homeopath, naturopath ,music therapist & nursing specialist

“Music is the universal language that can treat our deepest roots.” - Monika Paul

Skills & abilities

Skills & experience

I have a depth of experience in treating illnesses with frequencies. In addition to music therapy, however, I have other skills that I have developed over the years:

Musicoterapia con l'arpa - HEALING FREQUENCY TEACHINGS
Lecturer/ Workshops
Research work

Since 1990 has worked in all sorts of individual therapy jobs in collaboration with doctors and clinics.

Lecturer since 1995 in the field of KLASS. HOMEOPATHY. In addition to a variety of training courses in treatments with the use of vibrations.

Author of books. Further training in massage techniques, MyoreflexTherapy and teacher in Foot Reflexology.

Monika Paul: A treatment with vibrations

For over 40 years, I have dedicated myself to bringing body, mind and soul into harmony – gently, sustainably and on a scientific basis. My journey began as a nurse, I then later discovered the power of classical homeopathy and music therapy. With thousands of treatments and intensive research, including in oncology, I have taken sound therapy to a new level. The 112-string sound bed in 432 Hz, which I have further developed, is at the heart of my work. Not only it brings deep relaxation but also activates the body’s inner forces in a natural way. My method is based on ancient knowledge, from Pythagoras and Fibonacci to modern approaches, from quantum physics and music medicine. I have conducted clinical studies, published books and developed a sound training system in several languages. It fills me with joy to see how more and more people and therapists are using and switching to this method.

My goal is to create a world in which every city has at least one trained sound therapist. Together, we can help music and vibrations find their place in medicine again – without any side effects, but with great impact.

Additional experience and professional

A look back on the foundation of knowledge through my professional and experiences that have shaped me forever. Here are a few more excerpts from my life:

  • 2022 : Opening of the practice as a cantonal appr NHP in Lucerne
  • 2015 – 2022 : Centrum Minerva and training center for healing methods.
  • 2020 – 2021: Clinical research on “Musicoterapia con l’Arpa” with the harmonic 112-string sound bed (432 Hz) in the oncology department of Campostaggia Hospital, Italy.
  • 2010: Opening of the Minerva Benessere Institute and the associated school in Sasso Marconi, Italy.
  • 2007 – 2013: Production and distribution of cosmetic products and massage oils for natural applications.
  • From 1994: Foundation of the Minerva School of Homeopathy (Germany/Switzerland).
  • 1991: International recognition for classical homeopathy by the European Central Council of Homeopaths (ECCH).
  • 1991 : Lecturer at public and private schools in the fields of classical homeopathy and naturopathy, among others at:
    Samuel Hahnemann School, Zurich
    Association of Naturopaths, St. Gallen
    Freie Heilpraktiker e.V. in Düsseldorf, Dresden and Augsburg
    Swiss Red Cross
    Project weeks at elementary school (Switzerland)
    Adult education centers (Germany)
  • 1991: Founding member of the VKH Association for Classical Homeopaths in Zurich.
  • 1990 – 2007: Management of the Rheinpark practice in Germany and Switzerland, with a focus on pediatrics, cancer therapy and reflexology.
  • 1985: Opening of the first studio in Berlin.
  • Research work
  • 2015 – 2022: Move to Tuscany and work at the Minerva Wellness Center.
  • 2010: Opening of the Minerva Benessere Institute and the associated school in Sasso Marconi, Italy.
  • 2007 – 2013: Production and distribution of cosmetic products and massage oils for natural applications.
  • From 1994: Foundation of the Minerva School of Homeopathy (Germany/Switzerland).
  • 1991: International recognition for classical homeopathy by the European Central Council of Homeopaths (ECCH).
  • 1991: Lecturer at public and private schools in the fields of classical homeopathy and naturopathy, among others at:
    Samuel Hahnemann School, Zurich
    Association of Naturopaths, St. Gallen
    Freie Heilpraktiker e.V. in Düsseldorf, Dresden and Augsburg
    Swiss Red Cross
    Project weeks at elementary school (Switzerland)
    Adult education centers (Germany)
  • 1991: Founding member of the VKH Association for Classical Homeopaths in Zurich.
  • 1990 – 2007: Management of the Rheinpark practice in Germany and Switzerland, with a focus on pediatrics, cancer therapy and reflexology.
  • 1985: Opening of the first studio in Berlin.
  • 2015: Umzug in die Toskana und Tätigkeit im Minerva Wellness Center.
  • 2010: Eröffnung des Minerva Benessere Instituts und der dazugehörigen Schule in Sasso Marconi, Italien.
  • 2007 – 2013: Produktion und Vertrieb von kosmetischen Produkten und Massageölen für natürliche Anwendungen.
  • Ab 1994: Gründung der Minerva-Schule für Homöopathie (Deutschland/Schweiz).
  • 1991: Internationale Anerkennung für Klassische Homöopathie durch den Europäischen Zentralrat der Homöopathen (ECCH).
  • 1991: Dozententätigkeit an öffentlichen und privaten Schulen in den Bereichen klassische Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde, unter anderem an:
    • Samuel-Hahnemann-Schule, Zürich
    • Naturärzte-Vereinigung St. Gallen
    • Freie Heilpraktiker e.V. in Düsseldorf, Dresden und Augsburg
    • Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz
    • Projektwochen an Grundschulen (Schweiz)
    • Volkshochschulen (Deutschland)
  • 1991: Gründungsmitglied des VKH-Verbands für Klassische Homöopathen in Zürich.
  • 1990 – 2007: Leitung der Rheinpark-Praxis in Deutschland und der Schweiz, mit Schwerpunkt auf Kinderheilkunde, Krebstherapie und Reflexzonenarbeit.
  • 1985: Eröffnung des ersten Studios in Berlin.
  • 2023 Nursing specialist in Switzerland
  • 2015 – 2019: Home care at Caritas, Germany.
  • Summer 2010: Worked at the Casalecchio di Reno nursing home, Italy.
  • 2009 – 2010: Night care at Birkenhain nursing home, Germany.
  • 2009: Worked at Singen Hospital in the gynecology, oncology, internal medicine and intensive care units.
  • 1987 – 1989: Clinics in Berlin, working in gynecology, urology and oncology.
  • 1985 – 1987: Kollektive ambulante Pflege e.V., Berlin. Specialization in geriatrics and palliative care.
  • 1984: Ita-Wegman Clinic (anthroposophy, Steiner), Switzerland and Italy: obstetrics, internal medicine and oncology.

2019 – 2020: Music therapy training in Berlin with MT final degree.
1990 – 2020: Recognition as a naturopath (EMR/RME), Switzerland, with a focus on
massage techniques
Classical homeopathy
2015: Training as a holistic consultant and therapist (Italy)
2014: Training in food trade and management (Italy).
2009: Refresher course in adult resuscitation (Germany).
2009: Further training in oncology (Switzerland) as a naturopath.
2008: Recognition of the nursing title in Italy.
2002: Recognition of the nursing title in Switzerland.
2000: Recognition as a naturopath in Switzerland.
1999 – 2001: Training in transactional analysis according to Eric Berne (Germany).
1999 – 2001: Training in myoreflex therapy with one year of practical experience (Germany/Switzerland).
1985 – 1988: Training in classical homeopathy, reflexology and naturopathy, completed with examination by the Berlin health authority.
1984: Specialization as an anthroposophical nurse (Switzerland).
1978 – 1984: Nursing school Rheine/Ibbenbüren, graduation with examination.

How to get in touch with me

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